LYNEY Accessories STL FILES [Genshin Impact]

$25.00 AUD
Lyney's accessories from Genshin Impact! This listing is for the digital .STL files ONLY.


These pieces should print fine on any size printer as they are all quite small. We recommend printing these in resin and cannot guarantee clean prints of some small details on FDM printers.

The kit includes the following:
- 2x Blowse Diamond
- 4x Lapel Diamond
- 4x Cat Thigh Details
- 4x Thigh O Rings
- 2x Hand Diamonds
- 2x Wrist Details
- 1x Hat Bow Detail
- 1x Hat Cat Detail
- 1x Hat Diamond
- 1x Shoulder Cat Detail
- 2x Lapel Dangle
- 2x Shoe Detail 1
- 2x Shoe Cat Detail

Don't forget to tag us in social media posts featuring our props/accessories as @illustrismodels (instagram/twitter) and Illustris Models and Printing (Facebook). Support us so we can continue to support cosplayers like you!